Day 1: Abide in Me
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5, NIV).
Continually Connected—The Vital Condition for Producing Fruit
After graduation, I was called to a district with three small churches. During one freezing Sabbath at -32°F, only nine people attended: my family of four and five others. Despite the sparse attendance, I preached from John 15:4–8, emphasizing Jesus' repeated instruction to "Abide in Me."
Ellen G. White reminds us:
- “It is not the capabilities you now possess, or ever will have, that will give you success. It is that which the Lord can do for you” (*Christian Service*, p. 262).
- Prayer is “the secret of spiritual power” (*Prayer*, p. 12).
- It connects us with God’s “boundless resources” (*Steps to Christ*, p. 95).
Encouraging unity in prayer, I cited Matthew 18:19–20, which assures, “If two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Despite doubts about the church's future, my wife urged me to call for united prayer. Together, the few members prayed every morning at 6:30 a.m. for the Holy Spirit, church growth, and God’s guidance. Within three months, attendance grew from nine to about 120.
God's Call to Abide in Him
Abiding in God is essential for spiritual growth and victory over Satan. Christ in us and us in Him is the sole source of power and success.
Prayer Time (30–45 Minutes)
Spend time in united prayer, using short conversational prayers (1–3 sentences).
Suggested themes include:
1. John 15:5
- *“Remain in Me and I in you”*: Ask Jesus to dwell in and work through you.
- *“You will bear much fruit”*: Pray for the fruits of the Spirit to manifest in your life.
- *“Apart from Me you can do nothing”*: Acknowledge your dependence on Him.
2. Other Suggestions
- Thanks and Praise: Celebrate blessings and God’s goodness.
- Confession: Take time for private confession and gratitude for forgiveness.
- Guidance: Seek wisdom for challenges and decisions.
- Church and Local Needs: Pray for both regional and local issues.
- Listening: Pause to hear God’s voice and respond in praise.